

nigeria's renowned doctor finally reveals how smokers will no longer be liable to die young... just by taking 2 cups of this tea daily!

this same secret tea is used and endorsed by many celebrity smokers


See Numerous testimonies pouring in on a daily basis from our official instagram page - don't be left out!

you can trust our products just like our over 177,000 thousand customers worldwide

WARNING: smoking is deadly... it could lead to lungs failure and untimely death!

While many young and old people can’t do without smoking, it is unpleasant to know that it leads to different diseases, causes disabilities and harms nearly every organ of the body.

It’s on record that more than 90 million Nigerians are living with at least a disease caused by smoking.

For every person who dies because of smoking, at least 30 people live with a serious smoking-related illness.

however, there is a huge relief for smokers, even strong addicts...

Now you can overcome your hidden deep fears and worries of Future Burnt Lungs, Damaged Kidneys, Severe incurable illnesses or probably Early Death!

With this ground-breaking discovery, smokers will no longer be liable to die young, their lungs can stay fresh and protected, they can avoid harmful sickness and problems normally caused as a result of smoking, as well as second-hand smokes from our environment.

introducing... anti-smoke tea by ekiema wellness, the first natural, herbal lungs cleanser for smokers!

Good news! you can now get our anti-smoke tea and our latest liver & kidney tea... which is highly recommended by doctor ekiema

First of it’s kind in the whole of Africa, packed with all the nutrients to keep the lungs clean and fresh all day, for light and addicted smokers.

Now any smoker can smoke without the fear of cancer of the lungs or worst case scenario, untimely death!

Just as the name, ANTI-SMOKE, it works to fight against disease causing bacteria as a result of smoking and even second-hand smoking from vehicle combustions in traffic and our environment.

best of it all?

Anti-Smoke tea by Ekiema Wellness is easy to use and saves lives… just take 1-2 teabags in warm water twice daily. 

What an easy and brilliant way to solve a rather serious problem for new and old smokers alike.

2 special gifts when you order anti-smoke tea on or before saturday 11:59 PM

liver & kidney tea

The liver and kidney tea by Ekiema is the first of its kind supplement that aids and assists both organs in the body to work efficiently.

The tea supplies the Liver and kidney necessary nutrients and food to aid and fasten the repair of damages caused by excessive intake of ALCOHOL, SUGAR, DRUGS and SMOKING.

normal price: n22,000

You can get it along with anti-smoke tea at a discount - recommended


It also helps to repair damages caused by a reckless lifestyle on the liver and kidney.

Slows down the Generation of Cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol intake.

NOTE: The liver And Kidney tea, even though it’s effective, can not be compared to quitting the reckless lifestyle of drinking, drugs and smoking.

The bitter truth is that quitting is the ultimate solution, but our liver and kidney tea helps to slow down the effect and allows your liver to work faster while repairing damages.

So if you love your body, the best thing you can do is start using our tea while you work towards quitting excessive smoking and drinking.

The amazing benefits and detoxifying power of denik herbal clinsa

denik detox

The Denik Herbal Clinsa is a blood detox; it cleanses excess toxins and sugar from the body. And sets the body to default settings.

It gets rid of back pains, waist pains and general body pains.

This is a must have product for everybody who works and needs to sleep better.

normal price: n15,000

you get it for free

to get your own supply of our anti-smoke, liver & kidney tea and get denik clinsa for free.

we're presently offering free delivery and payment on delivery nationwide!

Plus you get free BOTTLE OF denik detox tea...don't miss out on this amazing discount offer


hurry! your discount will expire soon

1 pack of ANTI SMOKE TEA - with 1 Bottle of Denik detox For free.

  • get 1 bottle of denik detox for free
  • enjoy 40% Discount
  • Free delivery
  • pay on delivery

1 Pack of Anti smoke +1 liver & kidney tea + 2 bottles of denik Detox

  • get 2 bottles of denik detox for free
  • enjoy 40% Discount
  • Free delivery
  • pay on delivery

2 ANTISMOKE + 2 liver and Kidney Tea + 4 Bottles of Denik detox FREE

  • get 4 bottles of denik detox for free
  • enjoy 40% Discount
  • Free delivery
  • pay on delivery

doctor ekiema's recommendation

I advise you get at least 1 Pack Of Anti-Smoke Tea, 1 Pack of Liver & Kidney Tea FOR BEST RESULTS, SO that you can get 2 free bottles of Denik detox which is an IMMUNE BOOSTER and CLEANSER that will flush out toxins AND SUGAR from your system, and also clear out the effects of sugar long term.

The Denik Herbal Clinsa is a blood detox, it cleanses excess toxins and sugar from the body. Additionally, it resets the body to default settings.

It also helps get rid of back pains, waist pains and general body pains.

In addition to numerous benefits, it also helps for hemorrhoids and pile.

This is a must have product for everybody that works and need to sleep better.

fill the form below to place your order for our anti-smoke, with liver & kidney tea now and get denik clinsa for free!

free & payment on delivery nationwide if you order TODAY.

NOTE: Before placing order, please ensure you’re available with the money to collect your package in 1-3 business days, God bless you!

it's easy to order! just select your package and fill the form below with your correct details. we'll call you asap to arrange your delivery, please keep your phone close to take calls.

Choose Your Package (The More You Buy, The Lesser You Pay)pick one!
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testimonies full everywhere - smokers are rushing this life-saving product like hot cakes

your favorite celebrities also trust and recommend our products

a very vital information!

Remember! If You Continue Smoking Without Using The Anti-Smoke Tea, You Stand a chance Of Facing Dangerous Health Complications, But God Forbid… Get Your Own Supply At The Huge discount Now!

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